Wisdom Teeth


wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that develop in the back of your mouth. Due to the location of your wisdom teeth, they are difficult to properly clean and maintain.

For many people, impacted wisdom teeth are not fully accessible for routine oral hygiene and care that is needed to maintain healthy teeth throughout your life. The inability to keep them clean contributes to further problems such as tooth decay, pain, and ultimately infection.

Unfortunately, for the majority of today’s young adults, their jaws are not large enough to allow the eruption of the third molars in a normal, healthy, and functional position. This results in significant oral health problems. Examples include gum disease, decay of the adjacent teeth (2nd molars), obstruction of orthodontic treatment, development of cysts or tumors, destruction of the second molar, increased risk of jaw fracture at sites of impaction, or unexplained pain, swelling and even headaches.

To determine if wisdom teeth are present and if removal is indicated, a thorough examination of your mouth is performed along with necessary x-rays. There are different types of impaction, which will also determine the protocol we will take to extract your third molars.

Want to know more?

  • Please call our office for a detailed consultation
